Then today I received this message from Meredith Holladay:
"I was grumpy and irritable from my day and had a literal pain in my neck that felt as though vertebrae were catching somehow, preventing me from turning my neck. So I went outside and laid on a blanket under the stars and started toning and making buzzing noises, directing the sounds to the different parts of my body that felt tight and angry. Also moved a little--micro movements with the sounds. In about 30 minutes the pain was gone in my neck and I had free range of motion again. And, without forcing anything, I suddenly had more energy and a desire to sing. So I came inside and just started doing free form vocal exercises and had so much fun that I sat down and started practicing songs again!!
The power of vibration!"
I intended to write a post today about a study which found that singing had a measurable positive effect on the immune system, but why bother with boring studies?
This is lovely Carol! I shall definitely try this! For some odd reason, I am not big into music. I only listen to it while working out, or cleaning around the house. Maybe that's what my problem was all along; I'm not letting my body feel the vibrations of the world around me! Thanks for sharing!